Subcuticular Wound Care

Running Subcuticular Post Surgical Wound Care Instructions

( No stitches on the top of the skin )

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All of the sutures that you received today are dissolvable. These sutures will generally dissolve in approximately 10-14 “weeks”. During this time, the incision site will take on a “lumpy/bumpy” appearance until all sutures are dissolved; then will flatten to a thin line scar. There are no stitches on the surface of the skin. A row of “steri strips” were applied over the incision site and are to be left on until they come off on their own or one week. The following instructions may be performed OVER these strips.


  1. Hydrogen Peroxide
  2. Cotton tipped applicators such as Q-tips
  3. Antibiotic ointment – such as Polysporin or Bacitracin
  4. PLEASE DO NOT USE NEOSPORIN it contains an ingredient called neomycin causing many people to develop an allergic reaction, even if they have used it before without any problems.
  5. Non-stick pads (such as telfa) and paper tape.

Leave pressure bandages on for 48 hours. After 48 hours remove the bandage and begin the following steps twice daily:

  1. Wash your hands before changing the dressing.
  2. Clean the wound twice daily with hydrogen peroxide by using a rolling motion with the Q-tips and then apply a thin layer of polysporin/bacitracin ointment over the wound.
  3. It is important to keep the wound clean , dry and covered for one week. Do not submerge your suture site in the bathtub, hot tub, pool or lake; this will make your surgical site prone to infection. If the wound becomes wet, be sure to clean it and re-dress it as soon as possible.
  4. If an oral antibiotic was prescribed please take it as directed until it is gone.


  1. To help reduce swelling and discomfort after your surgery, ice packs need to be applied over the bandage for at least 15-20 minutes out of every hour until bedtime. You may use the ice packs more frequently if you desire. (This is most important for the first 24 hours)
  2. For pain management please take Extra Strength Tylenol  1-2 every 4 to 6 hours as needed.  If pain medication was prescribed, please take as directed, if needed.  Do not take any aspirin or ibuprofen products as this could lead to bleeding.
  3. To help minimize the risk of swelling, poor wound healing and potential infections, IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU REFRAIN FROM ACTIVITIES SUCH AS GOLFING, STOOPING, AND ANY FORM OF  EXERCISING as directed by Dr. Hollabaugh and his staff.
  4. Complications can include bleeding, infection and pain. If bleeding should occur, remain calm and apply steady, firm pressure for 20 minutes. If bleeding persists, contact our office. Signs of infections include: excessive redness, swelling, pain, and heat. If any of these symptoms occur, or if you have any questions, please call our direct nurse line at 972-378-0620 x 2109 during office hours.
    NOTE: PLEASE DO NOT CHOOSE THE OPTION FOR A SPECIFIC NURSE FROM OUR PHONE PROMPTS.  All calls should be directed to Dr. Hollabaugh after 4:00 on his cellular phone 972-814-6809.